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Words of Encouragement – Illness
July 28, 2020

Words of Encouragement – Illness

Passage: Jeremiah 17:14a, Exodus 15:26

Bible Text: Jeremiah 17:14a, Exodus 15:26 | Clergy: Dr. Edith Winters Kimbrough | Series: Words of Encouragement | Illness is a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind. Some of you have probably experienced being ill. My grandfather, used to say, “If you have not ever been ill, just keep on living.” Since experiencing, the coronavirus, the number of ill people in the world has greatly, increased. It should be encouraging, for you to know, that God is with you, in all of your suffering, for He promised, in His Word, that He would not ever leave us, nor forsake us. If you are ill, cry out to God, as Jeremiah did: “Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed.” (Jeremiah 17:14a) It is God’s nature to heal. Regardless, o what your illness might be, God, through his miraculous power can heal you.

One of God’s names is, “The Lord who heals” Exodus 15:26, and therefore, it is God’s nature to heal. God is a healer. So let not your faith be in healing, but in the Healer, who is God. Pray, to learn more and more how to completely, trust God, and give your life over to Him in praise, faith and adoration. Then your healing will come. Healing is an act of grace, mercy and the praise of God.

As you experience the Pandemic, of the Coronavirus, all over the world, you need to humble yourself, confess your sins, seek God’s Face, daily, and God will bring the world, that He created, back to health and healing.

I pray, in the Name of Jesus, that God will release the miracle of healing, in your body, in your mind and in your spirit. I am trusting and believing God for miracles, of healing in your life, for your family, among your friends and for all of those persons, who are near and dear to you.

In these words of encouragement, cry out with Jeremiah, “Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed. Oh! Hallelujah!

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