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Words of Encouragement – Grief
July 26, 2020

Words of Encouragement – Grief

Passage: Psalm 34:18

Bible Text: Psalm 34:18 | Clergy: Dr. Edith Winters Kimbrough | Series: Words of Encouragement | Grief is an emotional response to any type of loss. You may be in grief, because of the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of your health, the loss of your home or any loss, that has caused you to feel sad, anxious, or sometimes even angry. Grief can change the entire course of your life. Grief often, causes you to reckon, with the big question of life, itself. You may permit your grief to take as long, as it takes, and you may express it differently, from any other person. There is no right or wrong way to express your grief. Just be real and honest, about what you feel, and how you choose to express it.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He is always with you, when you are hurting and He sees and can heal your broken heart. You may be wondering, if your heart will ever heal, completely, from the pain, that you are experiencing. But believe the songwriter, who says that earth has no sorrow, that heaven cannot heal.

I am truly, a witness to the healing power of God. In the years 1979 – 1981, in a period of eighteen months, I lost seven family members; my son, my brother, my father, two of my favorite uncles, my grandmother and my mother. My mother and my grandmother died, just seventeen days apart. During the pain and grief of losing seven close family members, I experienced a divorce, from a marriage, of seventeen years. So, I am not just giving you words of encouragement from something, that I read, but from what I have actually, experienced. I can fully embrace the words of David, that come from Psalm 34:18, that say, “The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed spirit. When I think, even now, of the pain and loss, that I experienced, during that short period, I can truly, tell you, that I became closer to the Lord, than ever before, and He gave me the comfort, strength and courage, that could only, have come from Him! I pray, that He will do the same for you.

Be encouraged by these words and feel free to call me on my prayer line, if you would like to talk with me or just have prayer.

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